Friday, January 8, 2010

Present time, present time, open the present, see what's inside!

Finally we all got to open our long awaited presents. We go in order starting with the youngest. Everybody has to sit on the couch unless it is their turn to open a present then they get to sit in the middle of the room so the rest of us can watch and see what they get.

First up was Rylee and the first present she got to open was one that Ryker and Kenedy picked out for her.

Now it's Avynleas turn!

A Three Musketeer Barbie Doll! This was high on her list of wanting items and so she was really excited to get it.

Ryker got a really heavy item to open first.

A set of real tools. He saw some at the store and kept telling Kefford that he needed real tools now that he was older. Those fake tools just don't cut it anymore. The real tools kinda make me nervous thinking of all the destruction he could do with them but maybe he will surprise me. :0)

Finally Kenedy gets to open her first present.

A Three Musketeer Barbie for her too! All three of my girls wanted one this year. I thought I got the colors right but after they were opened I was told that Kenedy wanted the purple and Avy wanted pink. Oh well, but they were gracious about it so it was all good. Rylee got a little Kelly doll Three Musketeer that came on a little pony.

I opened my first present from Kenedy and found a candy thermometer. I wasn't sure if it was more for me or for her. She wanted to make candy the other day and had to borrow a candy thermometer from our neighbor. She will get as much use out of it as I will so I guess it is for both of us!

What did kefford open from Santa?

A new Boise State hat! Isn't he so cute?
This is where I got tired of taking pictures and had to stop for a while so I could enjoy all the gift opening without stressing about getting the perfect picture. but when it was time for Kenedyto open her next present I had to document it.

Reading it over trying to figure out what her gift is. OK so I will stop the suspense and tell you that what it was, was an itenerary for me and her to fly to california for a week. Back in May I found out my family were buying tickets to go see Mary Poppins the Broadway tour in LA. I thought that it sounded like fun so I bought two tickets for me and Kenedy and thought I would give them to her at christmas along with the flight. How fun for us to go together and spend time with each other and my family without her siblings. Great present right? Hmmm. Fast forward to December and when the kids are writing out their wish lists. Kenedys was a little ridiculous. She had anthing and everything on that list, a motor scooter, every toy imaginable, camera, video camera, a baby sister! I had to sit her down and tell her that those big items are not going to happen. I will do my best to find some of her smaller wishes, like the barbie, but I already had her big present and it was really cool. She was down with that and I thought everything was grand. Until she started telling people how glad she was not to go to California this year..WHAT? Seriously she was so excited that we did not have plans to go to California becasue she really didn't want to go. I finally questioned her on this and she said she doesn't like going on Christmas becasue she can't stay and play with her new things and she doesn't like going before becasue we don't get to open presents until we get back. Well no worries right? We were not leaving until a couple days after and this time is different becasue it was just me and her.
So now I am very excited as she is opening her gift...

Finally i take pity on her confusion and blurt out that we are going to California together, yay I am so excited! Uh-oh. Can you see in the picture how she is processing that. Maybe you can't tell but that expression says it all. She. is. not. happy. Wanna see?

Yup, what happened next was a full on screaming tantrum! She was crying she was yelling she was mad! Finally we made her go to her room to calm down. I lt terrible, I really thought she would be excited. kefford finally went upstairs to calm her down and talk to her. She confessed to Kefford that she hates flying becasue she always gets sick and that is why she doesn't want to go. He talked to her and told her how much fun it would be and it was a different airline and it would be a smooth ride so she would be ok. She finally came down and apologized and we went on with Christmas. Don't worry she eventually thought it all over and became more and more excited about the trip. going to see Mary Poppins, seeing her cousin Alyssa, just me and her, it really grew on her so that when it was all said and done she realized she got a pretty great gift. But boy was it DRAMA! I guess in hindsight I should have just told her beforehand and let her ease into it but I never thought that this would her reaction. live and learn!

Kefford got a Cleveland Cavaliers shirt. He really likes that basketball team and so I was excited when I thought to get his a shirt.

Rylee got the Ariel baby she was longing for. Anytime she was asked what she wanted for Christmas she said and Ariel Baby. Rylee loves playing with babies!

I also got Kefford a Lakers T-shirt. He has to support the Lakers bacasue I am from California and my famiily are huge fans. I think he is cool with it!

We took the kids to the dollar store and let them pick presents for each other. Avynlea saw these funny glasses and insisted on getting them for Ryker. He thought they were resally funny, there is a wind-up on the nose to make the mustache wiggle back and cute!
After all the present opening the kids really enjoyed hanging out and playing with their new toys!

Avynlea got quite a few Barbis this year and was in heaven playing with those. I think she likes owning her own now and not having to only play with Kenedys.

Rylee loves her new Baby and carried it around all day long!

And Kenedy had playing our new WII game "Babies first steps".
Despite the drama moment we all had a really fun Christmas. My favorite present is the one I am using right now, my own netbook computer! At some point I will have to post some pictures of it in all it's cuteness glory. but for now I will just enjoy being able to type whenever, and wherever I am at.