Saturday, October 3, 2009


This past week the kids had Thursday and Friday off from school. Now normally I really dread these days off from school because it is just alot of bored kids sitting around at home bugging me. But I had a friend from California move up here recently and she suggested we get together and do Letterboxing. Letterboxing is this crazy nationwide thing where people leave clues on the Internet and you follow the clues to find a hidden box that has a stamp and notebook in it. You are supposed to bring your own stamp and you leave your mark in the book and then stamp your own book with the stamp you find. Once you are done you put it all back where you found it so that someone else can find it. They have these boxes hidden all over the country and anybody can do it. Go to for more info.

So we went with the Grogans and found it surprisingly fun!

We found our first box at the Joplin cemetery hidden under this tree.

The second box was also found at the cemetery behind this tombstone also under a tree.

The box was missing from its place at this park but the kids really got into throwing big rocks into the pond that was out there. We spent a little over an hour with them throwing rocks.

Good throw Rylee!

Avynlea took a break to rest her throwing arm!

The third box was found by the Meridian Water Tower under one of the big logs.

The last one we hunted for and found was at another cemetery, the Meridian cemetery. It was hidden in a hole inside the tree!
This was a really fun activity and I would recommend it to anyone who has bored kids looking for something to do. We hunted for seven boxes and out of the seven only found four, but it was something we will definitely do again!