Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween at Dance!

Did I ever mention that Rylee is taking dance class with Avynlea? I started her up a couple weeks after Avynlea and she loves it! So this last week they got to dress up in their Halloween costumes and have a dance party!

They had a little parade down the hall of the dance studio so we could see the costumes and clap for them.

The two cute little fairies looked sooo adorable!

Rylee as Tinkerbell.

They got to go trick-or-treating to their dance teacher and got goldfish crackers and teddy grahams. Yum-Yum!

Avynlea as Iridessa from the TinkerBell movie! I loved the yellow of her dress!

THe two girls with Miss Kim their Dance teacher. They love her and she is soo good with the kids. Too much fun!