Sunday, October 18, 2009

A "Cool Rider" in training!

Now that Ryker has mastered riding a four-wheeler it is time to move on to bigger and better things. A dirt bike!

Here he is all prepared for his dirt bike riding training course.

Kefford showed him brakes and clutch and gas.

then father and son took a test drive.

now it was time for the maiden voyage solo ride.

the kid got a little bit tipsy but not once did he fall or let the bike fall.

Kefford and I were both a little shocked and amazed with how amazing he did. He really took to it like a pro!

After we loaded the bike up Kefford let Ryker ride on it back down to his Grandpas house.. about a hundred yards away.

He was making me laugh because he was pretending the entire ride back that he was for real riding it and would make pretend turns and everything.
What a cutie kid and I love seeing his excitement for yet another new hobby of his!