Tuesday, August 25, 2009

California Adventures {part 1}

On August 12 The kiddos and I hopped on an airplane and took the long journey down to California to visit my family. Kefford had to stay and work and so I invited his sister Kylie to come with me to help me with the kids and also because she has never been to Cali!

It worked out good having Kylie with us because I was able to sit with Rylee and Kenedy.

While Ryker and Avynlea sat with Kylie. Let me tell you that my kids were amazing flyer's down and back. They were fairly quiet and for the most part sat in their seats. They were on very good behavior!

Saturday night we got to go to my niece Alyssa's baptism. Rylee was happy to be back in the arms of her favorite person, her Uncle Joshua.

Kenedy was asked to give the closing prayer at the baptism and she did a great job. Here she is with her Best Cousin Alyssa! These two girls did the shy dance around each other for the first little while but once they got over themselves they were thick as thieves.

Grandma Bonnie with the Grandkids that were at the baptism. We were only missing Jeremy's cuties.

Of course the always expected silly face picture.

After the baptism Avynlea went home with her Aunt Erin and stayed the night at her place and went to church with her the next day. Erin said that Avynlea was very good and kept walking around saying how cute everything was.
Ryker and Kenedy stayed the night with their cousins Dillon and Alyssa and they came back with tales of all the fun they had. We don't get to see my family as often as we would like so it is always fun to let the kids have as many opportunities to be together as they can.