Friday, February 2, 2024

Happy 19th Birthday Avynlea!

 Avynlea chose Mo' Bettahs for her birthday dinner. I was very ok with that choice because it is Hawaiian food and I really love their food. I loved being out with my girls and Kefford, I kept thinking about what the next year was going to look like with Avynlea being in Japan for her 20th birthday and it made me sad. I had to stop myself from thinking about it and just focus on being in the moment and appreciating the time we do have together.

When we got home we sang Happy Birthday to Avynlea so she could make a wish and blow out her candles. Avynlea wanted confetti cupcakes and she also asked for strawberry ice cream and chocolate mudslide ice cream. Both flavors were delicious!
After cupcakes we let Avynlea open her presents. She got a pack of hair bows, a black over the shoulder bag, a Japanese Book of Mormon and a large Book of Mormon. I tried to get her the Bible as well but they were out of that size at Deseret Book and so I ordered it online but it is back ordered so it won't arrive for a while.

She also got tights, a bodysuit, a Temple slip and new dresses for her mission. I think she was pretty happy with what she got. Most of it she new about and asked for so not a lot of surprises.
5 Things I Love about Avynlea

  1. I love where Avynlea is at on her spiritual journey. I love that she made the decision to go on a mission and I know she will learn so much and grow so much from the experience. I also love that Avynlea made the decision to go through the Temple and that she works in the Temple every Saturday until she leaves on her mission. Avynlea puts herself in these situations that will help her grow her testimony and I love her for that and for her example.
  2. I love Avynlea's Heart. She is a genuine person and really takes care of and looks out for the ones she loves. She is loyal and forgiving and such a good person. She is kind and understanding and isn't afraid to be vulnerable, she is just a good person.
  3. Avynlea is fun and always ready for a good time, most often Avynlea is the one to bring the fun. She  is the life of the party,  I love her humor and I love having fun with her. To know her is to have fun with her and to love her.
  4. I love Avynlea's natural beauty. She does not wear a lot of makeup on a daily basis and I love the confidence she has in letting her natural beauty show. She has beautiful hazel eyes and her dimples are so adorable. When she does dress up a little more and put more makeup on she does it in a natural way that just highlights her beauty even more.
  5. I love that Avynlea loves her family. She loves being with her siblings and talks on the phone with them all of the time. I love that she loves doing things with me and talks to me about life. She is one of my best friends and I love her so much.