Friday, February 23, 2024

Snow Tubing and Teeters

On Wednesday the young Women went snow tubing at Eagle Island. I wanted to participate and two of the other leaders did as well which was a lot of fun. I was nervous about going, I really do not like getting hurt, but I was brave and I ended up having a lot of fun with the girls. I spent most of the time with Layne Johnson, first counselor in the presidency and it was fun to talk to her and get to know her better. We went down a couple of times just the two of us but for a lot of the night we were going down linked with some of the girls which was fun. I had the worker take a picture of one of the times we were all linked together to go down but it is not a great picture with most everyone being too fuzzy to see. It was a fun night and I always love being with the Young Women!
front five: Avery Gremmert, Natalie Pace, Elizabeth, Layne Johnson and Emily Walker

I think Avynlea was having an emotional moment and Rylee probably took a picture of her. I randomly find pictures like this on my phone and never really know the context.

I had called Mom to chat and she was outside with Ashleigh and her kids, Jeremy, Heather and Joshua and Leona. It was fun to be able to see them all and have more to talk to. Joshua asked me about my Dr visit and so I updated everyone on the prognosis. He had just mentioned maybe I should get a teeter when Moms phone died and we lost the call. Elaine Josi had one that she was giving to the DI and when she found out about my back she gave the teeter to me. I got on and took a couple of pictures to send to Joshua so he could see the I do have one. I don't use it often but maybe I should use it more to help with my back strain.