Thursday, January 25, 2024

Snow Days and Mean Girls

Where we are at in Idaho is kind of funny weather wise. You would think we would get a lot of snow in the winter but we don't. It snows a couple times usually and then it melts typically same day. We had crazy snow when Kenedy was a senior and school got cancelled for at least a week but not a lot since. Until this year, we got so much snow this January and I really liked it. School got cancelled twice, not consecutively  and I did a lot of snow shoveling which I enjoyed. I would shovel our driveway and sidewalks and I also took the initiative to shovel the Lambs driveway and sidewalks. Sean was in an accident which made it hard for him to walk right now and I wanted to help them out so Arin didn't have to worry about it. One morning I also shoveled Wanda Greens driveway and sidewalk. I loved using the shoveling as a way to exercise and really enjoyed doing service.

Avynlea, Rylee and I went to the theater to watch the new Mean Girls movie. We like the original and I was excited to watch this new version as it was a musical and that sounded fun. The movie was all right. I don't think any of us liked it as much as the original and I thought parts were a little too sexy. I probably won't watch it again.

Kefford hurt his back and was in a lot of pain, he hurt so bad that he had to stay home from work one day which is a lot for Kefford. I could sympathize with how he was feeling because of the lower back issues I have and how painful it is for me. I found him relaxing on the bed and thought he looked so cute in his glasses looking at instagram.