Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Happy 14th Birthday Rylee!!

Rylee decided she wanted a birthday party this year and I said she could but knew there was a big possibility she would back out and decide against it. The last time she had a friends birthday party was for her 5th birthday. She always had options after that to have parties but after saying yes to one would back out later and say no. She stuck with it this time, designed and sent out the invitations, planned the food and the games and decided to invite everyone in her Young Womens class. Brynn, Allie, Ella, Tayci, Saylor, Mikayla, Claire and Kenzie all were able to come. She decided to have everyone over Friday night the week before her birthday, have the party and then have her two best friends, Tayci and Ella, stay the night afterwards. Wouldn't you know that I was so concerned with staying out of Rylee's way and letting her do her thing that the only picture I took was of her and her two besties at their sleepover. I cannot believe I forgot to take pictures of her party, super big Mom fail.
She had a good time and it went really well. She didn't want to open her gifts in front of everyone because she just feels too awkward doing it and told her guest that and that she would open them later. They all understood, except Mikayla had a hard time with it. The girl is overly emotional about everything and she came downstairs for a break from the fun and found Kefford alone in the Living Room so stopped to chat with him. She got pretty weepy when she told him that she really wanted to watch Rylee open her present but understood after he explained the reason why. 

Tuesday March 16th was Rylee's 14th Birthday! Of course it was a remote learning day so she was at home for this special day, gotta keep with the tradition of never being in school for her birthday I guess.
Rylee had doughnuts for her Birthday "cake" at her party and I knew how much she loved doughnuts and since she had a cake for her actual birthday I got her doughnuts for breakfast, chocolate and maple with sprinkles!
I told Rylee I would buy her lunch and asked her what she wanted. She was in school and didn't have enough time to go out on her break so I stopped and picked her up the McDonalds meal she wanted. Chicken nuggets, fries and a sprite. She also asked for a cheeseburger but that one I completely forgot to get. She was ok with it and enjoyed her yummy lunch.
Tayci and Ella stopped by with a Birthday sign and balloons to celebrate the Birthday girl. I think this is the remote learning version of decorating the locker. It was super sweet of them and Rylee felt loved.
For dinner we had Rylee's favorite, Spaghetti and meatballs! I also made a sale and had garlic bread to go with it. 
After dinner it was present time! From Brielle and Qiana she got a water bottle, a journal and an Idaho necklace. From Grandma Bonnie she got candy and money, from us she got 2 new dresses, 
A hair wrap, 3 new shirts,
A bluetooth label maker, Jasmine themed wet brush and piano books from Avynlea...Newsies and Oklahoma.
For her birthday cake she wanted a chocolate one from Costco and she wanted to light the candles herself
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl, We Love You!!!!

After the cake she wanted to try out her new label maker and labeled her new piano books. :)
Alison's birthday gift to Rylee came a couple of days later, she got a pineapple, soap, water bottle, succulents and some cash. Spoiled girl!

Rylee's Favorites:
  1. Dinner: Spaghetti and Salad
  2. Dessert: Ice Cream
  3. Candy: Skittles
  4. Color: Purple
  5. Friend: Tayci Olsen, Ella Eaton, Taylee Price
  6. Scripture Story: Nephi and the Gold Plates
  7. Primary Song: Army of Helamen
  8. Radio Song: Kings and Queens
  9. Book: The Maze Runner Series
  10. Movie: Tangled
  11. TV Show: Phineas and Ferb 
  12. Thing to do: Hang out with Friends
  13. Place to go: Grandparents Houses
  14. School Subject: Photography and Art
5 things I love about Rylee:
1. Rylee is still my number one reader and it brings me joy every time I see her with a book in her hands, which is all the time! She finished reading" the Work and the Glory" series which she really enjoyed and I had her start reading "Children of the Promise" which she is breezing through. It's fun to see her reading more and more of my recommendations, books that I have loved, and having them love them as well.

2. I have my kids FaceTime with my Mom every Sunday and I love that Rylee is usually the first to want to chat with her. Rylee is developing a closer relationship with my Mom which makes me happy since the in person time she has with her is rare. I also love that Rylee has maintained close relationships with her Cousins on both sides of the family. She loves spending time with all of them and I love that she text messages the Cousins that are closer to her age and is able to communicate and keep in touch that way.

3.  Lately it has been just Rylee and I around when dinner is ready. I love the time spent with her and I love that she wants to say the prayer on dinner...always. Every time I say we need to have prayer she wants to say it. She says it gives her more blessings and also if she says it she can make it fast so she can eat sooner but I have noticed her prayers are not that short and she doesn't speed though them. I love that she wants to take the opportunity to communicate with her Heavenly Father and show him gratitude for the food we will eat.

4. I have been getting text messages from Rylee's leaders since she has started in Young Womens telling me how wonderful she is and how much she contributes in lessons. Multiple leaders have told me how blown away they are by the comments she makes in class and how thoughtful and mature she is with her participation in class. I love that Rylee is a natural leader and tries hard to be inclusive and loving to everyone. She is developing a strong testimony and I am grateful that she is such a positive and kind person.

5. Rylee is her own person, she marches to the beat of her own drum and she is unapologetically herself. I love that she knows what she wants and that she isn't too influenced by those around her. She is what she is and that's good enough. She has her own style and her own way of doing things and I love it. I love that she is comfortable with her she is and doesn't try to change herself to fit in with anyone else.