Thursday, February 18, 2021

Happy 21st Birthday Kenedy!!

Kenedy turned 21 and for the first time I wasn't with her on her birthday, it was a little sad but she had a great time being celebrated by her friends. I found these cute pictures of her from when she was little to put on my Instagram and she was so cute. Sometimes I miss my kids being little but I have so much fun with them at the ages that they are now that it is ok. 

Two days before her birthday Kenedy's friends threw her a surprise birthday party, she suspected it was happening but put on a really great surprise face. McKoy dressed up as Abby Lee Miller and did a pyramid with Kenedy in the number one spot, rightfully so. Kenedy has made him watch all of the Dance Mom episodes and he did such a great job impersonating Abby Lee Miller, eerily so.
Happy Birthday Kenedy! We love you!!!

5 Things I Love About Kenedy:

1) Kenedy is so much fun to be around and really livens up the party. We love when Kenedy comes home to visit because she is a lot of fun and we have a good time being around her. She has fun ideas and likes to do things as a family such as movie night or game night. I love that she likes to being the good times in.

2) I love that Kenedy's priorities have shifted and when she comes home to visit she craves more family time rather than friends time. It makes me happy to have her around more rather than having to share her time with her friends. Kenedy is one of my best friends and favorite people o be around and I love all the time I get with her when she comes to visit. I miss her a lot when she is gone and am happy that she wants to come home and be with us.

3) Kenedy is beautiful on the outside and more importantly on the inside. She has a special connection with her Heavenly Father and is really good at feeling and hearing when the Spirit talks to her. She is prayerful about her decisions and even though she sometimes resists what the Spirit is telling her, because she wants to do what she wants, she ends up doing the right thing and I so admire her for it. I look up to her in a lot of ways and this is one of the most I admire her for.

4) I love how brave Kenedy is. She has always been able to do things that I think would be hard for me to do and she does it so effortlessly. She has been navigating college and making decisions and basically being a grownup and doing it so well. I have been so impressed with her and all that she is able to do on her own!

5) I love that Kenedy has made it a priority to establish bonds and better relationships with her Grandparents. She tries to contact them when she can to talk with them and get their advice on things. She loves her Cousins and her Aunts and Uncles and makes an effort to spend time with them when she is able and /or keeps in touch by calling or texting. Family has always been important to me and I am happy that those bonds are important to her as well.