Saturday, August 29, 2020

Quarantine week 24 (Church at Church, Rylee and Avy at Tumbling)

 On Sunday we got to go to church together as a family for the first time since March. I have enjoyed being at home and having at home church and really felt like I would rather be at home for church. But being back in the building with other Ward members was really nice and made me feel differently about my previous feelings. Church only lasted about 45 minutes, we all wore masks, we were separated with empty pews between filled ones and only about 1/4 of our members were there. They had four different sessions that we had to sign up for in order to keep the numbers low. A recently returned Sister missionary was the main speaker and then Bishop Eberhard closed the meeting with a brief message. It was a really nice meeting and it was nice to visit with other members outside the building afterwards. 

Rylee tried out for volleyball this week and after two days of tryouts she found out that she made the "C" team again. She was really sad about that and my Mama heart hurt for her. Her friends are doing cheer this year and have been trying to talk her into doing it with them. She has never wanted to do cheer and has always been really against the idea but with both her besties doing it and with the news of what team she is on she asked Kefford and I if she could quit volleyball and do cheer. If she had asked me a month ago if she could do cheer I would've been very surprised but I would have let her. But since she has never wanted to do it and only now because of the volleyball team she made I told her no she was not going to quit. She made a commitment to volleyball and she is going to stick with it. I hope that things will get better for her and that she will make friends on her team and hopefully learn more and do more and feel better about herself.
Rylee does not have a phone of her own yet and uses mine to text her friends and takes pictures with so randomly I will find selfies that she has taken on my phone.
Avynlea is doing tumbling at the gym every saturday morning wth her cheer team but us cheer mom besties were able to get the fab five back into the gym on thursday nights for their own private class. The girls decided that every week they wanted to do a "theme" week for their class and this week it was wearing long socks. They are silly girls but I love each of them and I really love their friendship. It makes me so happy that Avynlea has found such a great group of girls to hang out with.
Paige, Avynlea, Hailey, Natalie and Dreya

Rylee put a message in the Bainbridge Babes text message thread that she is available to babysit hoping to get more jobs. Katie Givens this week asked if she could babysit Friday night for her three younger boys and she was really happy to do it. Since RYlee does not have a phone I usually send her with mine when she is babysitting. I found a cute picture of her she had taken with Jett while she was babysitting. The bottom picture is a picture her friend Tayci sent me of Rylee reading a story to her little sister. Rylee is so good with the littles and really a great babysitter.
It was decided this week that the kids were going to start school in the red which means they will be doing remote learning the first week and then hopefully we will be in the yellow for the second week of school and the schools can move to alternating days of in school and at home learning. I am very discouraged by this and don't think we will be in the yellow for a long time and the kids will be at home doing school remotely for a long time. I am not sure how this will look with me teaching dance this year but I am worried. I didn't start teaching until all of my kids were in school for a reason. I am hoping that if my kids are doing remote learning for longer then the first week that they are old enough to manage their time without me here on the days that i do teach. If it is too hard this year and next year we have more of the same I might have to consider not teaching dance which makes me really sad to think about. Next week they are making the decisions about fall sports and I am really worried about that. This is just a really crappy year and I am tired of nothing getting better or improving.