Saturday, June 6, 2020

Week 12 in Quarantine (visiting the Andros family and Ryker's wisdom teeth removal)

Our at home church service this Sunday was missing Avynlea. She went to McCall for the weekend with her friend Sadie, they were coming back this day but were doing their church service in McCall before coming home. We did get a family picture and I like that it shows our sacrament table in it. It is a blessing to have Priesthood holders in our home so that we could continue taking the sacrament while having to do church at home. 
Later that day we were avynlea had gotten home and as we were sitting around being bored we decided to go visit Mikell, Steve and their kids. They were excited to have us come and Jason was especially happy to have us there and really enjoyed Kefford.

I love that they are closer to us and it is always fun to go and visit their family.

Rylee likes to take my phone and text her friends and also take selfies apparently. 

On Friday Kefford and I took Ryker to Fruitland to have his Wisdom teeth taken out. Ryker was pretty doped up and was pretty funny to watch coming out off the medication. He kept shaking his head and smacking his cheeks trying to wake himself up and the Nurse helping him out to the car said this was first he has seen anyone trying to wake them selves up after surgery. He kept talking about his tongue feeling weird and trying to touch it and I told him that it was the gauze he was feeling and not his tongue. He also was smacking his lips a lot and wanted ice cream.

Our kids were at the farm and so after the surgery we went to the Farm to get them. We thought maybe we could have Ryker rest there and that we could visit for a bit but there were so many people there and so much going on that we decided we better not stick around. We brought Ryker in so we could give him his pills and eat a little ice cream and he had his Grandma feed him a little bit. We stayed for about 5 minutes and then left so we could get Ryker home to sleep. I sat in the back by Ryker and I was worried about him spilling his ice cream, he insisted on holding it and feeding himself, and a couple times when it looked like he was going to spill I reached out to take it. He would get indignant and hold it away from me and tell me to stop stealing his ice cream. He also accused me of hitting him when I would pat him on the arm. Medicated Ryker was actually pretty funny and it was fun listening to him say weird things.

Over the next couple of days Ryker swelled up pretty good and he had the chubby cheeks he had as a baby again hahaha. 
He did not like the chubby cheeks and was happy when the swelling went down and he was able to stop hiding his face.