Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Happy Birthday Kefford

Today we celebrated Kefford's 44th Birthday. For dinner I made him steak and onion rings with watermelon and chips on the side. I thought it was a pretty great meal. 
Rylee thought it was a little too bright and needed to wear her sunglasses while we were eating. Kefford is not a big fan of getting his picture taken so I didn't have him pose for a picture I just tried to keep the picture taking a little more casual.

He really likes german chocolate cake so that is what we made him and Avynlea did a great job making the delicious frosting. We found the shark candles while we wee getting birthday stuff and the girls talked me into getting them for his cake. I think it gives the cake a fun festive shark flair!

For his birthday Kefford received, Beef jerky, Peanut M&M's...
A case of rootbeer and Caramel M&M's. He didn't want anything for his birthday but I cannot let anyone not have anything for their birthday so we kept his gifts small and yummy :).
The birthday boy loves his cake!

Family Selfie!

5 things I love about Kefford

1. Kefford is one of the funniest people I know. He has a great sense of humor and I love listening to him tell stories and crack jokes. One of my favorite things is how he laughs when he finds himself being funny and I love how he looks to see if anyone is paying attention when he is randomly making jokes. He keeps us all laughing.

2. Kefford has a great work ethic. That is one thing I always admired in my Dad and I love that Kefford has the same quality. He works hard to earn money for our family and while he does like to have relaxing time he doesn't usually like to sit around and chill, he likes having things to do. I am so glad that my kids have his good example in their lives.

3. He has a strong testimony and puts his all into his church callings. I love that no matter what calling Kefford has he does his best to fulfill that calling. He loves the Gospel and is a good example of a righteous Father and in leading our kids to do what is right.

4.  Kefford loves spending time with his family. He doesn't really care which of his kids he is with he just likes having them around and I love that about him. He is a great family man! He watches movies with them, goes to the store with them, hangs out in the backyard with them. I love it and love that he loves to be with us.

5. I love when Kefford surprises me. He is good at listening and remembering when I mention things and then will surprise me with whatever it was on my birthday or for Christmas. I love it!