Saturday, June 13, 2020

Week 13 in Quarantine (cheer uniform try on, sunshine box love, Rylee gets stuck and Kenedy Nanny's)

Sometimes we get Sunday Family pictures and sometimes we don't. Often we forget and then it just doesn't happen.
On Monday Avynlea had her Cheer Uniform fitting. While at the fitting Kara mentioned that if it fit she could wear Kenedy's Varsity Competition Uniform and then we wouldn't have to buy one. We also could use her Nike cheer shoes from last year and Paige gave Avynlea her Varsity Name Shell she outgrew so we don't have to buy that either. I am very happy to not have to spend as much and am grateful that we can use some of Kenedy's stuff that she is no longer using. Eventually I will buy Avynlea her own Comp Uniform so she can have her own to keep forever but it will be nice to buy that next year when we already have other Varsity things from this year we don't have to buy. When we got home we pulled out Kenedy's cheer stuff from the attic and I took pictures of Avynlea in her uniform to send to Kara. She said it looked good to her and that Avynlea will have to work on her facials LOL
I have been having a hard time lately with depression and I was really struggling with missing my family and feeling left out of fun they were all having without me. I was lonely and sad and praying to Heavenly Father that I would get some kind of acknowledgment that I was not forgotten. I prayed about it on one day and nothing happened and then the next day I prayed about it again in the morning and then later that day I got a call from my Mom, Heather, Ashleigh and Emily who were all together at Mom's house. We are not a calling family, I call my Mom every week and Heather usually calls me about once a week but my Mom rarely calls me and I don't usually get calls from Ashleigh or Emily and so I knew when I told Heavenly father I needed a phone call that if it happened that it was an answer to my prayer. We chatted for a bit and then I told them that this phone call was a literal answer to prayer from heavenly Father and explained to them what I have been going through and feeling. It was a good talk and I felt better after hanging up. 
On Thursday I got a package in the mail from Mom, Heather, Ashleigh and Emily and it was filled with Sunshine and affirmations of love for me. It was the sweetest surprise and so appreciated. I have a hard time talking about my feelings and talking to my family about when I am struggling and so for them to reach out to me in this way when I put myself out there was really nice. 

Avynlea, Kenedy and Rylee bonding over something on Kenedy's phone 
Avynlea and Rylee went with me to run some errands and one of the errands I had to run was putting a check in the bank. While we were in the drive through waiting Rylee was messing with the window and I convinced her to put her upper body out the window. While she was hanging out I started to roll the window up as a joke and had Avynlea take a picture. I thought it was funny and thought Ryle would think it was funny but then I saw the pictures of Rylee with tears in her eyes and I felt so bad. I let her back in and apologized over and over while she ignored me and stared out her window. Eventually she did accept my apology and started talking to me again, she said it hurt and she couldn't breathe while she was stuck in the window and I felt even more horrible. Not quite the funny prank I had thought it would be.
Kenedy has been able to hold onto one of her nanny jobs during this pandemic and has really fallen in love with these kids she watches. She likes to take them to the park when the weather is warm and on this day I took Avynlea and her friends Sadie and Madison to meet her there. When we arrived we saw Kenedy at a picnic table with Ammon and Blair the kids she watches and McKoy and I thought they looked like a cute little family. McKoy stopped by to visit her for a bit but then had to leave to go to work. While we were hanging out Kenedy had me try to take some pictures of her with the kids. They were not too great at cooperating but Kenedy looked great.