Friday, June 15, 2018

End of School

Last day of High School for Kenedy! She moving on to bigger and better things and I am so excited for her to get to experience College, she will love it! Kenedy was done with school about a week and a half before the other kids got out. 
The next week I got to go to the Middle School for Avynlea's awards assembly. Once again she got the award for 4.0 and I am super proud of her for keeping her grades up. She loves school and loves to work hard and do her best!

Beginning of June it was Avynlea and Ryker's turn for their last day of school. The High School does not do any awards assemblies but Ryker also got a 4.0 grade point average for the year. It came down to the wire but he was able to get the straight A's he was working for and he was so happy that he did it! He is now a Sophomore and Avynlea will be moving into the 8th grade. Nothing I can do about my kids growing up but I sure love them and am super proud of all the good they accomplish!

And another week and a half later we finally got to Rylee and her last day of school. This was a big year for Rylee as it was her last year in Elementary School. She had such a great 5th grade year, she loved her teacher, she had her best friend in her class and she thrived! I am so happy with how her last year went and am really proud of her and how hard she worked to do well in school.
Rylee had her Awards Assembly that day and Avynlea and I along with Alison went to watch and support her. Rylee got her fifth grade promotion certificate as well as a certificate for her being in the safety patrol. The biggest award Rylee got was the presidential Award for Academics. Not a lot of students get this award so it was a big deal and I am really proud of Rylee for receiving it and so happy she was recognized for her hard work.
After the assembly we took some pictures, said goodbye to Alison and then headed outside for our last elementary school picnic ever! 
We stopped in to get a picture with Mr Thornburg, Rylee's teacher...
and we also got Serena to take a besties picture with Rylee. The girls liked to hang out in their teachers closet throughout the year and so we took a picture of them in their favorite hangout spot.
And just like that everyone is now officially out of school and the summer can begin!