Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Sunday Fun

Sunday while we were sitting in Sacrament Meeting Avynlea got a hold of my phone and took some pictures that I was not aware of. She sure is a cute girl and I like that the angle she captured of me is not unflattering. 
I took Avynlea and her friend Morgan Williams to Wal-Mart on Saturday so Avynlea could get a present for a birthday party she was going to. As we were browsing around we found these super cute dresses for $7 each. We loved them so much and $7 was a great price so I bought one for Avynlea and one for Rylee. They wore them to church on Sunday and after we got home I had them pose for some pictures for me. I am glad that they do not mind wearing matching dresses every once in a while and that Avynlea was gracious to agree to me buying one for Rylee as well as one for her. These girls looked super cute in their new dresses and I was only a little jealous wishing they had one for me in my size. 

Later that night I was playing Codenames with Avy and Rylee when my phone started to alert me that I had a call from Joshua coming in on Hangouts. It happens every once in a while that someone will call the group or one of us without meaning to and I assumed that this was one of those times so I ignored the call. When it started to ring again 30 seconds later I thought maybe this is for real and not a drill so I answered to see my cutest nephew eating his dinner and grinning like a cheeseball at the camera. I had a really great time talking to Amos and Joshua, I told Joshua I had a dream a couple weeks ago that I was hanging out and playing with Amos and when I woke up it made me miss him so much. I was glad to be able to see him on the video chat and he kept us laughing with his crazy antics. After he ate his dinner he was wandering around playing with random things and then he decided to "clean up" by putting everything he could into his laundry basket. The remote, clothes, his Dad's shoes, bags... he is so cute and it made my night to see and talk to him and Joshua.