Sunday, January 7, 2018

Rock Climbing

Rylee has had a canvas to be used for painting on for along time and she finally decided how she wanted to use it. She picked out and mixed the colors and I helped her with the taping. It turned out really cute. I think it looks like an abstract painting of a sunset over the ocean.
On Saturday we took Ryker, Avy and Rylee to the YMCA to go swimming, rock climbing and so that  Ryker could finally finish off his Swimming merit badge. The last thing he had to do was dive and it took us a while to finally get to a place with a deep enough pool. I talked him through it and had him practice on the side of the pool for a little bit and then finally had him go off the diving board. his technique was not perfect but he dove and I was super proud of him for finally getting it.
After they tired of swimming the kids went to go do some rock climbing. It was fun to watch them climb the rock wall and they had a lot of fun doing it. I think all three of them made the comment at some point that it was a lot harder then it looks. But they did it and all of them made it to the top to ring the bell!
Ringing the bell!