Thursday, August 24, 2017

First Day of School Take 2

On Wednesday August 23rd the rest of the kids went back to school. First to leave were Kenedy and Ryker to the High School. This is Ryker's Freshman year and Kenedy's Senior year! This is Kenedy's first year of going to school with a sibling since she was in the fifth grade and I am so glad she and Ryker have this year to be together. I have seen a shift in their relationship the past half a year in the positive and it makes me so happy that they are becoming closer and enjoying each other more. I hope they are able to bond even more this year before Kenedy leaves next year. 

First up for pictures was Kenedy. 

Before she was camera ready I caught her doing what she does best and took a picture. 
A couple days later I found Kenedy's Kindergarten first day of school picture and I made a collage with her First day of school Senior picture and posted it on Instagram with this caption...

"Then and now, from Kindergarten to Senior. 💙💛 2018 is coming too fast 😭"
After I did Kenedy's pictures I took Ryker's. He is now a Freshman at the High School and ready to rock the next four years. I had him hold up 9 fingers to represent that he is in the 9th grade and it confused him a little bit as to why he had to do that. 
What a handsome guy!
A little bit later Avynlea was ready to go start her 7th grade year. I found another picture of a hairstyle to try on her and I think it turned out really cute. She is so fun and such a pretty girl, I know she is going to love being a 7th grader!