Saturday, February 11, 2017

Basketball and Spring

Our weather has finally warmed up and all of the snow that I thought was going to be around forever has melted! The sun has been shining and it has been so wonderful, it almost feels like spring. The sooner that spring can come the better! On Friday Kefford didn't have to be at work so he spent some of the day washing our vehicles inside and out. I love having a clean car to drive around again and I love that it is warm enough for Kefford to be outside washing our vehicles!
Melting snow means Rylee's snowman has melted and we thought it was funny to see the snowman parts that were left once the snow was gone.
Avynlea had her friend Rose stay the night which was fun for them since Rose couldn't be at her sleepover party because she was sick. When Avy asked if she could stay the night I told her she could but this wasn't going to be an every week thing. She was ok with that but I found out I didn't have to worry about anything since Rose fell asleep at 8:30, my kind of girl!
 Rylee had Basketball pictures this day and once again I opted out of paying a lot of money for the "professional" pictures. I did pictures of Rylee at home and then took a snap of the group when they were getting that done. While I was doing her hair I was trying to get Rylee to have more confidence and I told her that I had a feeling that she was going to make a basket today. She has yet to score any points in a game and we have been trying to get her to be more aggressive in the games. I was so excited when she made a shot, missed, caught the rebound and shot again to make it!!! It was the greatest moment and I was so proud of her. 
One of the girls on the other team, a couple of times, screamed in the faces of our girls when they were trying to make a shot. It was obnoxious, annoying and not cool at all. I couldn't believe the referees were allowing that to happen. I have to say it was really freaking me out when she did it and am extra glad she didn't do it to Rylee.

Coach Melissa
Standing: Rylee, ?, Kaitlyn, Lily and Makenzie
Sitting: Ragen, Maddie, Kylie, Piper and ?

Avynlea and Rose were getting a little bored and decided to play the mouthguard game. Avynlea came into my room with her mouthguard in to ask me if they could video themselves eating food while wearing the mouth guards. She is kind of funny!