Monday, June 13, 2016

Hiking, Singing and a Birthday

While Kefford was at Girls Camp he took some time to take himself on a hike. He enjoys going on hikes in the mountains and when we are in McCall he usually goes hiking in the morning. So I was not surprised when he told me he went on a hike while at camp. He took some pictures of the scenery and then some selfies of his handsome face. I love this guy!

Rylee had an end of the year field trip to . She looked so cute before she left for school that I had to take a picture. She was really excited to go on the bus and sit by her best friend Maryn. What a little cutie!
With Kefford and Kenedy away at camp I enjoyed the time off from cooking. I deemed the nights they were gone as fix your own meal nights and I loved it. Sometimes cooking just gets tiresome and boring so it is always nice to take a break from it all. Thursday night I said we were going to have snow cones for dinner so we went over to the snow shack and had some delicious frozen treats. We love snow cones! Of course at some point later that night everyone had eaten something a little more substantial for their tummys but the snow cones were a great starting course!
Kefford was gone on his birthday so I planned to celebrate Friday night when he and Kenedy got back from camping. But first, we had to go to Avynlea's final Honor choir concert. I am so glad that this is done, all the driving back and forth from the school was tiring and I did not want to do it again this year but it was important to Avynlea so I stuck with it with her. She did a great job singing and we had fun watching her perform.
I had to get some pictures of us with the singing girl so first the four kids
And then Kefford and I with Avy. Nice picture of Kefford not taking it seriously ;) 
After th concert we went home and had some cake. I had put 40 candles on the cake but by the time we lit close to half of them their was some serious wax melting on the cake so we stopped and left the rest unlit. It still looked impressive and it was a nice thought, I think.

This is where I epic failed on his birthday. Kefford does not like a big fuss made over him but in thinking back I should have at least had an open house type birthday where friends could have stopped by to wish him a happy birthday. I am not good at this birthday gig at all. After cake it was getting late so I had the kids clean up and then made them go to bed, Ryker, Avy and Rylee were sleeping in the tent in the backyard. It wasn't until later that night that I remembered we never gave Kefford his presents! Ugh, I am the worst! The next morning I made muffins and we had Kefford open his presents. So this 40th birthday which should have been a bigger celebration was really lame.