Thursday, February 11, 2016

Avynlea's Fifth Grade Music Concert

On Friday I went out to lunch with this awesome group of Ladies to celebrate Carma's 87th birthday. It is my privilege and such a blessing to have these friends in my life. I love all of them and am thankful for their light, love and friendship!
Left side: Ashley Jones, Elizabeth, Leara Leasure and 
Right side: Winnie Freeman, Judy Kinzel, Carma Hamp, Nila Brown and Dianna Herrera

After lunch I needed to go to a dance meeting and then to the elementary school for Avynleas fifth grade music concert. Before I went to my meeting I stopped by the school with the intent of saving a couple of seats so I could attend more of my meeting and not feel in such a rush to get to the concert. Unfortunately they did not have the seats set up yet so I went to my meeting for about 30 minutes and then went back to the school to sit and wait for the concert to begin. Alison showed up about 5 minutes after I did which was nice to visit with her for a bit.
The kids did a great job and it was a really cute concert. The theme was "America from the beginning" and all of the songs they sang told the history of America starting with  the early settlers leaving England. They sang, danced, played instruments and it was a lot of fun.

Avynlea wore her new birthday dress for the concert and then paired it with her tennis shoes. I figured she was taking her church shoes and would change for the concert but she said she was not and was just planning on wearing her tennis shoes. She looked super cute and did a good job singing and dancing!