Friday, October 25, 2013

Beach Trip

I have not been able to post for a while because the first three pictures in this beach post are super gross and I just could not bring myself to open the page to write about what happened. I am leaving a big gad between my words and the pictures so that if anyone else is easily grossed out you can put your hand up to the screen and cover them till as you scroll down. That is what I just did and it really works. If you happen to like gross things then you are so welcome for the pictures. :)
We got to the beach on Sunday and spent the afternoon setting up our camps and reuniting and visiting.   On Monday I went with my Mom and all of my siblings to go to the grocery store to get perishable supplies leaving Kefford and Anita at camp with all of the kids. We were at Costco and I was getting ready to pay the cashier when Andrew came over, handed me his phone and said Kefford was trying to get a hold of me. Kefford said that Ryker got hurt and they have to take him to the emergency room, my first thought was "of course Ryker got hurt" followed by wanting to know what was going on. He was sword fighting with his Cousin using wooden swords and Ryker got hit in the eye. When Kefford first told me I thought he said that Rykers entire eye was hanging out of the socket. Not a pretty picture in my head. But luckily that was not the case. Just a small part of the white part of his eye was hanging out. You can see, if you are brave enough to look at the pictures, that it looks like a milky tear come down. Kefford did not want to wait for us to get back and so Anita drove him and Ryker to Urgent Care. When the rest of us got back to camp I unloaded my groceries and Stephanie drove me and Heather to Urgent Care to see Ryker. When we got there I saw for myself that Ryker was hurt but that he was going to be OK. It wasn't as terrible as I pictured it in my head, I have a pretty good imagination. Afewaiting and waiting in the waiting room for almost an hour Stephanie and Heather and I drove back to camp so that I could take care of the rest of my kids. Not too long after Kefford made it back with Ryker who had a pretty nifty patch over his eye. The Dr cut off the part that was hanging off, put some drops in his eyes and patched it up. Sounds terrible and painful but Ryker assured me the cutting did not hurt at all. The biggest bummer was that Ryker had to be very careful with his eye and to not let it get dirty or wet, ironic that we were at the beginning of a 5 day camping trip at the beach. 

So that is the story of the eye. Put your hand over your eyes as you scroll down a couple pictures, or don't, it is up to you! I will be putting my hand up. :)

Not much to say about all of these pictures other then we had a lot of fun and I really love this time we have every year for my kids to be with their Family on my side. We do live far apart and they don't have a lot of opportunities to be together but my kids love my Family and are always happy to be around them.
Benny, Camryn and Rylee

The teenage years start. :)

Rylee, Avynlea and Jaylynn
I love watching these three together!

As you will see Ryker did not let his injury hold him back. He was super cautious and held back a little the first day or so but by the end of the week he was living it up and not so cautious. 

I think this fish got washed into one of the castles that was being built, fun for everyone to see.
At one point I saw most of the Cousins playing together in the ocean so I quickly ran over with my camera to grab a picture. The only Cousins not in the picture are Breana and Dillon 

Ryker, Isabelle, Kenedy, Alyssa, Alec, Jeremy, Ben, Avynlea, Camryn, Rylee and Jaylynn

One day Heather, Rylee and I walked back up to camp after a long day of beach fun and I went into the RV to grab Rylees shower stuff. When I came out I saw a very pooped Rylee laying in the dirt. Heather was quick to grab my camera to take a picture for me. Playing down at the beach all day takes a lot out of you! ;)

Rylee and Jaylynn
Alyssa and Kenedy

Avynlea, Camryn and Isabelle

One of the kids, I think it was Alec found a washed up starfish. The poor thing looked like it had a lot of unfortunate adventures, but we all had fun touching and holding it before sending it back to the sea.

Heather and Elizabeth
Elizabeth and Kefford

Jeremy and Ryker

On our last night Kefford and I took our kids to the souvenir  shop to get some things. Rylee and Avynlea both got an oyster to crack open that had a pearl inside which you could then put in the necklace provided. They were both very anxious to open them, Rylee did it at the campsite after we were packed up and Avynlea did hers at Grandmas house right before we headed back to Idaho.

A coupld of years ago Heather and I bought matching beach sweatshirts. It is always fun to come back together and wear them at the beach every year.

Avynlea really loves her Aunt Erin

As does Jaylynn.

Ryker, Rylee, Mallory, Joshua, Andrew and Kenedy driving back to Grandmas house in the RV.
Rylee got comfy on her Uncle Joshua

Another fun trip, another fun time at the beach with family. Have I mentioned how much we all love this annual beach trip! Its the best!