Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cherries, Cherries, Cherries!

It was cherry picking season in Emmett and I was ready to go get me some. IWe had done it years ago when Avy was olittle and it was high time we started up again. So I talked to Brit, had her find a place, set a date and off we went. Cherry picking with family, so fun!

The day before Kefford was jumping on the trampoline with the kids when somehow he landed on Avynleas ankle and all present heard a loud pop. We were all so worried that a bone was broken but we didn't see any evidence of a break and she could walk kindof limp on it so we wrapped it and told her to stay off of it. Well going cherry picking was not going to be all that great for her but once we got there I sat her down with a bucket and told her to  pick and not move. Of course she moved, she is 7 and wants to be with her cousins, but she did fine and after a day or so she could walk normal and all was well. Who knows what that pop was but we are so glad it wasn't anything more serious!
Rylee was given a bucket and she did not do the best job of picking the red cherries. We wanted dark red and what we got from her were a lot of yellow. She was too busy having fun to pay attention or follow directions, also she is 5 and so we gave her a break. We also made sure to pick out what she was putting in. :o)
Told ya! Cannot keep Avynlea down!
Kefford did a good job finding the dark red ones to put in the bucket he was quite the pro!
In addition to Kelsey and Brit and their kids we invited Keffords cousin Roland to come with us and His cousin Jared, Brittney and their kids. Roland drove with us so he got some good cherry picking time with us but Jared couldn't get away from a family thing in time, got stuck in construction and thus arrived just as we were done. Darn! We stayed a couple of minutes to help them fill their bowls and then had to go.
Everyone had fun picking cherries for the buckets and picking cherries to eat. The next day I bought a Cherry pitter and got to work pitting those cherries. We ended up with two gallon sized bags full for the freezer to use at some point and so I was a happy gal. I did find a little worm crawling out of one of the cherries, after throwing the whole thing outside I started wondering how many of us ate worm cherries without even knowing it. Egh!