Saturday, August 4, 2012


I think it was on a Sunday when Kefford told me that Kelsey, his orthodontist brother, told him that Kenedy needed to get her braces put on as soon as possible. So Kefford told me what day that week they could fit her in and an appointment was set.
Side note, maybe you don't know that Kefford sold his eyeglass business, bought into Kelsey's practice and is now working with him doing manager, office, braces stuff. I really don't know what exactly Kefford is up to but he is bringing home money and that is what counts!
So I didn't tell Kenedy she was getting her braces on until the morning of cause that is how I roll. She got up, got ready and went to work with her Dad. It is handy having Kefford working there since I didn't have to be the paparazzi Mom for once getting in the Dr's way. Kefford took care of that for me.

I think she looks adorable with braces and she liked them at first, then the pain set in. I have never had braces, big cheesy smile from me, so I couldn't relate. There were a lot of tears and a lot of wishing she didn't have the braces. I tried to help her the best I could with encouragement and milkshakes and after a couple of days she felt better. In face she just had her second tightening yesterday, July 19, and so far so good!
Yay for straightening teeth and double yay for an ortho in the family!!