Saturday, October 1, 2011

odds and ends

I took these pictures just because I had finally uploaded and then deleted the hundreds of pictures on my camera and I felt my camera was sad being all empty. I think some inanimate odjetcs have feelings because I am odd like that. Oh here is a funny and nerdy story I just thought of..

Back when I was in middle school I wanted to earn some money and so I had a paper early morning paper route. My Mom would wake me up at 4:00 in the morning and I would start folding newspapers while she went back to bed. After about an hour my Mom would come out and drive me on my route. It was early, I was tired and bored and so I would finds things to do to make it more interesting. I found a dog planter to talk to. Yup I did. One of the houses I delivered a paper too had a dog statue and I would talk to it when I saw it. Just asked it how it was doing and whatnot. I know I am such a nerd! This lasted for quite a while until one day I said hello to theis dog statue and then I turned and saw a couple of boys hanging out staring at me. I was mortified and I never talked to that dog again.

I got a job teaching dance and I am so excited!!! I will terach classes while Rylee is in preschool and hopefully it will all be good!