Monday, October 10, 2011

Boise Temple Before

. After over a year of hearing rumors and people speculating we finally got the official word that the Temple was being closed for remodeling on Monday July 11th. The day before after church I had everyone keep their dress clothes on so that we could go over to the Temple and see it for the last time in its before state. I have been wanting to take the kids to walk around the Temple grounds for quite a while and so I am glad that I finally got it done, even if it was under a little Temple closing the next day pressure. I also needed to take Rykers 8 year old baptism pictures. So we were a little late getting around to that , BUT, he was still 8 and it was not the day before his 9th birthday so we are good. 
The pictures got a little out of order but no worries its still all good!
When we first got to the Temple Ryker was a little bit cranky and was not very cooperative but like any true professional he got over it and we got down to some serious picture taking. 

These next pictures were taken in order, basically, it was only the family pictures (above) that got mixed up. We took those as we were getting ready to leave.

This picture looks like a sweet moment between Father and Son but it was actually Kefford giving Ryker the "you better change your attitude" lecture. Turned out pretty cute though!

This kid is going to be a heart breaker someday. Seriously how adorable is my little boy?!

Our friend from our ward, Chuck Leasure, worked security at the Temple and he was on the job when we got there. He was so sweet to come out and talk with the kids about the Temple. He was the one that took our family shots above. Brother Leasure knows a lot about what is being done to the inside of the Temple but all he would tell us was that it will be completely different but that it will knock your socks off!

After we were done I brought out the cupcakes I packed for everyone to eat. Because who doesn't like to eat cupcakes after going to the Temple?

 I am so glad that we took the opportunity to visit the Boise Temple one last time before it closed. I heard the week before its closing they had record numbers coming to the Temple to get one last session in. As a Relief Society I organized a Baptism trip the Saturday before it was closed. I have not done Baptisms for the dead since I was a youth and it was such a special feeling to get in there and perform the work. I absolutely loved the Spirit I felt and being there with my Sisters in the gospel was extra amazing. I cannot wait till we have the Boise Temple and the new Meridian Temple to go to. I am super excited to have a Temple that will be minutes away and when Kenedy turns 12 Kefford and I can take her to do Baptisms with hopefully some family names and that thought makes me all giddy inside.
I am really happy that within the next couple years there will be two Temple open houses that I can take my kids to. I went with my family as a kid before the Las Vegas Temple was dedicated and walking through that Temple with my forever family was such a special feeling. My Dad always talked about hanging back and watching his wife and kids walk into the Celestial Room and how that made him feel. I cannot wait to do the same with my Husband and kids. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of the gospel and for the Temples we have here on earth to seal families together. I miss my Dad so much but knowing we will see each other again brings me such peace. I can only imagine how amazing it will be after the Resurrection to all be together again. Joy!