Sunday, October 10, 2010

Way to go Ryker!!

At the kids school every month they talk about and highlight a different virtue. This last month it was the virtue of Honesty. I got a call from Rykers teacher about a month ago and she told me that each teacher is supposed to pick one student from their class who exemplifies the virtue they have highlighted and they get an award. She told me that she picked Ryker and that I was not supposed to tell him because she likes to keep it a surprise up until their name is called. I was happy for Ryker and have to say a pretty proud Mom. She hit the nail on the head with this award because of all the things Ryker is Honesty is one of his top traits! So fast forward a couple of weeks to the day before the assembly and Ryker comes home to tell me he is getting an award. I played dumb about it because i knew it was supposed to be a surprise but inside I was wondering what happened. Oh well. The nest day I went to the assembly and waited for the kids to come in and for it all to start.

The first kids who came in were all of the kids who were getting awarded. I thought that was pretty smart to have them gathered together up at the front rather then them having to climb over all of their classmates when their name was called.

Ryker is so cute and I could tell that he was proud of himself for being recognized.
All the kids grouped together at the front of the room.
the fourth graders talked about Honesty and told everyone why it was important by reciting poems about it. It was really cute.
Rylee got a little antsy waiting for everything to happen. She had dance class after school so she was dressed in her dance clothes. Such a cutie!
Here is Ryker being recognized.
They had the kids come up by grade and so here he is standing with the other second graders.
As Rylee and I were walking down the hall to go to the classrooms we saw a display on the wall.

All of the kids who won the award had their pictures displayed on the wall with the message about honesty.

Rykers teacher told me they put the pictures out early this time and that is why Ryker knew about the award. He saw his picture on the wall and asked his teacher why it was there so she had to tell him about it. What a smart and observant boy!
I am really proud of Ryker and for his good example on honesty!
He is a great kid!