Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

On Monday night we got out our Christmas tree and all the decorations so we could get it set up for family home evening. Last year Ryker really wanted to put the star on top but couldn't because of his broken leg, so this year it was his turn.

Rylee really got into the spirit of decorating the tree and was very precise about where she wanted the ornaments to go. I enjoyed watching her examine each ornament and see her really get attached to those she liked best.

The kids had so much fun opening boxes and pulling out the decorations. We heard alot of cries like "Oh I remember this one" and "Oh look at this it is so cute". It is fun to see how excited they were getting about it all.

Avynlea took a picture of the tree and it looks like we still have some decorating to do. It is so fun to have the tree up and to get ready for this fun holiday month.

Let the spirit of goodwill and giving begin!!