Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Piano Recital

Kenedy and Ryker had their piano recital on Friday. They both did really good and we are all quite proud of their accomplishments.
First up was Ryker! Since this was his first year doing piano he didn't play a Christmas song but rather a song from one of his books.."Ode to Joy". I thought it was a good song to play at Christmas time. Apparently it wasn't enough for Ryker because he did ask his teacher if he could play more then one. Unfortunately for him he just played the one. He did really great and had the song memorized!

Kenedy played "My Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music. Again this wasn't really a Christmas song but Darcie, their teacher, said that while searching out music for the kids to play she came across this one and felt that Kenedy needed to play it. Kenedy was a little nervous about it when it was first given to her but she quickly adapted and it became a song she loves to play. She also did sooo good and has most of the song memorized.

I am so proud of my kids for what they are learning and I hope that they continue to love to learn and play the piano!