Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sister Peterson Week 5

Happy General Conference weekend!! I hope everyone was able to watch at least a little of it! Such amazing things!

This week was really good and flew by. Although it feels like Easter was forever ago. (time is really weird here). I hope everyone was able to really enjoy it because I sure did. I have never been good at focusing on Jesus Christ when it came to Easter, but here at the MTC it was an amazing experience, because it was so Christ centered. It makes me think and puts it into perspective of how amazing each day would be if we woke up and decided to dedicate it to the Lord. NEW GOAL ALERT!

This was a rollercoaster of a week when it came to Japanese. (Honestly each class is a rollercoaster) We had a substitute for half our classes and he was very strict. Each word of english we spoke = 2 pushups. The most we had to do in 1 class was 12 pushups which I recognize shouldn't be that bad. But coming from a person who's max pushups is about 5... was not easy. But we made it through. It is so cool to look back on all the progress I have made. It reallly helps and encourages me when I am feeling inadequate.

I have made friends around the MTC and its fun to walk around and see familiar faces. There are only a couple people who I knew before but even them I barely knew. So that has been fun. haha I am really trying to think of anything interesting that has happened but i just really cannot right now. 

One of our substitutes this week talked a lot to us about what she loved about Japan when she served there and it got me so excited. Apparently they have amazing fruit! My heaven!!! I am very very excited! Only about 1 more month left here 
Noo it's been great!

I love you all and so does Jesus and dont you forget it! Remember what he went through for you! Have an amazing week!!! Also if you email me thank you so much I literally love it, but please do not think ill if I do not respond because I am so busy!! hehe

<3 Sister Peterson!!