Wednesday, August 30, 2023

American Girl Doll Makeover

On Saturday we went to the farm for a visit. Sara and her family were in town and Bob had invited everyone over for Chinese. Avynlea enjoyed being with the kitties and got some pictures taken with one of them.

Avynlea and Rylee pulled out their American Girl Doll stuff and had them spread out in the living room. They were just looking through their stuff, I haven't seen the dolls out in such a long time and it was pretty nostalgic for me and I liked seeing the dolls and clothes lying out on the carpet. I left it there for a day because I liked it so much and then packed it back up and put it away. But first I fixed the dolls hair. I had seen some YouTube videos on how to restore the dolls hair and I wanted to try it out. Rylee's doll's curls had gotten frizzy and did not look good anymore so I wanted to see if I could fix it. I borrowed the curlers from Kim Hansen and after brushing out the dolls hair I dipped it in boiling water to help smooth it. Then I put the curlers in and poured boiling water over it to help set it then I let it dry in the curlers. Once it was dry we took the curlers out and the curls turned out really well, Rylee and I were both really happy with how they looked. My one lesson I learned was next time I would not pour the water over the head because it kinked up the top and it wasn't smooth anymore. I would dip each curl in the water and leave the top alone.

Avynlea needed a headshot to send in to BYUI for her ID badge, she had me take her picture but none of them were good enough for her. I thought she looked cute in each one but she was not satisfied. She finally took a selfie on her own and deemed it the best one and that was the one she used. I still liked the others we took so I kept them and put them here :)