Friday, December 23, 2022

Wedding Dresses Try on and Mall Gift Wrapping

Kenedy is not engaged yet but the ring has been ordered and so we know that a wedding will be happening. Tyler was planning n proposing over Christmas break but the ring did not get here in time and so he has to figure out something different. Meanwhile we thought it would be fun to do a little wedding dress looking. A lot of the bridal stores did not seem to have last minute appointments but I found a shop called Modest Couture and they had an opening so we gave it a try. Natalie, Avynlea and Rylee came with Kenedy and I and as we drove to the appointment we quickly realized this was not going to be a place that we were picturing. It turned out to be a shop in someones home and it was a little awkward but we made the best of it. Kenedy was a good sport and tried on dresses and it was actually fun to see her in some pretty dresses. She didn't like any of the dresses and the vibe was a little weird so after about an hour we got out of there.

I was able to get an appointment later that evening for Davids Bridal and we had Kefford and Tyler drop us off so Kenedy could try on dresses. The shop is in Boise and we were going to the mall later to gift wrap for the cheer boosters and so this was good timing for Kenedy to try on dresses. 
Davids Bridal had some beautiful dresses but nothing that would work for Kenedy. Midway through the appointment the consultant realized that Kenedy wears garments and so she tried finding dresses that Kenedy could wear with her garments and again she couldn't really find anything. She did try to fashion some sleeves and said we could have them add a liner and sleeves but I did not want to piece together a Dress that we would have to order on good faith hoping when it comes that it would look good. We had fun watching her try on dresses and then it was time to go.
Mikell had her baby girl and she sent me some pictures of her wearing the head bows I bought for her. Her name is Emily and she is so sweet and I am really sad that they are living in Montana and we can't just go over and see her.
After the bridal appointment we went to the mall to do gift wrapping. Our shift was only an hour and a half compared to all the other ones which were two hour shifts so we lucked out for that. Natalie and Diana, Paige, Avynlea, e, Kefford, Tyler, Kenedy and Rylee all were workers during our shift and it was fun, busy and over quick which was awesome.
Paige, Natalie and Avynlea