Friday, December 9, 2022

Queens of Linder and a new calling for Bob and Alison

While I was shopping at Costco I found that Tyler's favorite muffins which have been out of stock for so long were back in stock. I added them to the basket and then took a picture to send to Kenedy letting her know we were ready for Tyler to come for Christmas. He was super excited and claimed I was a miracle worker, I am glad that something so simple could make him so happy! When I got home I put them in the freezer so that they would be available for Ty's visit.
I miss football season but I love basketball season because it is indoors and I am able to have a better view of my cheerleader.
Sunday morning I woke up with my bangs doing some funky things. I had to take a picture because I thought they were looking so funny.
Later that day after church was over we went over to the Meridian Temple because Bob and Alison were called into the Meridian Temple Presidency and they needed to be set apart. It was really cool to be in the waiting room with family and listen to the Temple President talk about why they called Bob and Alison to this calling. They love being at the Temple and serving and are there multiple times a week. It is a natural progression for them and I am excited that they will be able to continue in a more official capacity doing what they love. 
back row: Andrea, Kelsey, President Sainsbury, Kefford and Rylee
middle row: Kylie, Andrew, Abby, Vicki, Qiana, Brielle, Brit, Elizabeth, Sister Sainsbury, Avynlea, Trevor, Grandma June, Ellis, Whitney and Asher
front row: Amilia, Xander, Tavia, Sadie, Madison, Hazel, Alison and Bob
Alan, Karli and Taylor were also there they were just taking the picture and were not wanting to be in the picture. 
Karli also got. picture of Bob with his Temple keys learning to open the Temple gates for the first time with Alan helping him.

It was the end of the semester for Kenedy and the end of her student teaching. She got pictures with the two classes she got to be a student teacher in and she is now officially graduated and looking for a job. I am so proud of her for graduating with her bachelors, I think it is pretty cool that she completed and think she is a good example for her siblings.
Friday January 9th was the Queens of Linder game. This is a friendly rivalry game between Rocky Mountain Girls basketball and our girls basketball. Because Avynlea is in student council she was a part of planning this event and I loved watching her announce the half time competition games. She is a natural leader and so good at being in charge.