Saturday, March 12, 2022

laundry Room Project and Avynlea is Great

My friend Katie Williams is a master wood worker in my opinion and has a sop in her garage. We have been wanting to get to gather to build a project but I needed to come up with an idea. I finally figured out something I have been wanting for a long time, a pedestal for my washer and dryer. I knew what I wanted it to look like so I went on Pinterest and searched DIY pedestals until I found the one that matched the idea in my head. We bought the wood and cut it out one day and we put it together and stained it another day. The sealant spray took longer to dry because of the cold, wet weather but it was finally done and we brought it home Friday night, March 11th. I asked Kefford if he would help me get it in the laundry room when he came home that night and he said we could do it tomorrow. I was cool with that and I went to bed that night. he next morning Kefford and I got up to go to the Temple and as we were on our way out I went in the laundry room to get a bandaid, I opened the door and got a shock, my pedestal was in place and it looked really awesome. Kefford and Rylee put it in the laundry room after I went to bed the night before and I didn't even notice that it was missing from where we left it by the front door when I got up that morning.

Later that day Kefford and I went to lunch at Cafe Zuppas with Avynlea and Rylee. Avynlea has been asking if we could go out to eat for her birthday since it never happened in February and we finally found a time and day to do it. It was fun being with my family and I am glad we were able to finally take Avy out for her birthday.
I saw on Instagram that theVarsity athletes who made 3.5 and higher for the first semester were listed and I went to the webpage to look it up. I was not surprised to find Avynlea's name on the list and am very proud of her for her accomplishments, especially since the list was fairly small for who made 3.5 or higher on our cheer team. Way to go Avynlea!