Friday, January 7, 2022

Stinky Sneaker

On New Years Day Avynlea and Rylee went to Nyssa to go to the Nyssa Stake New Years dance with Ally. Kefford and I went to Nyssa after church on Sunday to eat lunch with Bob and Alison and the girls, visit a bit and then we came home. I don't like to go out there for meals empty handed and so I made a cake to take out there. I made it I the bundt pan and I used the cake mix and frosting that were given to us in the Christmas tote box. I think it turned out cute and tasted pretty good.
On January 4th Ryker sent us a message requesting his medical information. He went into the podiatrist because he had a bump on his foot that was causing him a lot of pain. The Dr removed it and he has been feeling much better and can go about his missionary work bump pain free.
Kefford sometimes like to photo shop pictures and this one of Avynlea he added to our family group chat.

Also on January 4th Kenedy had a visit with Danny Ricks and she sent our family a picture of the two of them. Kefford commented "Why isn't there a picture of me on the shelf?" and then about ten minutes later he sent the picture back and said "Oh, he does have a picture of me on his shelf.". The picture on the left is the one Kenedy sent and the picture on the right is the one Kefford sent back, you figure out the difference I the two.
January 7th was the annual Stinky Sneaker game. Last year no spectators were allowed and we were super excited that this year we could let things go back to normal and Stinky Sneaker was allowed to be normal again. It was a really fun game and a big Nairobis biter. Meridian trailed behind Mountain View for almost the entire game. In the last couple of seconds Meridian was able to just pull barely ahead and Mountain View got the ball to try to score but the guy lost control of the ball and Meridian won!! It was amazing and such a fun game and win! The overall Stinky Sneaker winner does not only depend on who won the game, the schools are also judged on spirit and good sportsmanship. I knew from the very beginning that Meridian had it in the bag. When Meridian players were announced Mountain View fans were booing and that alone does not show good sportsmanship. We out spirited them the entire game and when Meridian was announced s the Stinky Sneaker winner it was excited but not surprising! Way to go Meridian!
I had a seat right behind our teams players and I got a couple of pictures of Avynlea's longtime crush Max Gwilliam. 
Even though the side I sit on is technically Mountain Views side I like to sit there so I am able to see Avynlea cheering during the game. I was in the lower left corner and it was mostly Meridian parents so I felt ok about being there. I got a couple of pictures of Avynlea cheering, in the top picture she is right above number 11's arm and in the bottom picture she is right above number 11's leg.
Kefford had a Baker day that day but after he got home he changed and then came to watch the game with me.
It was a close game and the final score could not have been closer, way to pull out the win Warriors!
Avynlea's friends Natalie and Paige like to give Kefford a hard time and try to do things that they find funny and might make him feel awkward or uncomfortable, like giving him a hug when they see him. After this game they pulled him in and did a go team cheer with him. He participated but very halfheartedly. 

Paige, Avynlea and Natalie
Kefford thought it was funny to pose with a knee pop for this picture.

Avynlea gave her "Get Loud" sign to us to hold while she went to get in some pictures. I gave it to Kefford so I could take a picture of him with the sign showing his excitement.

Avynlea's teammate Allen wants a picture so we got one together.