Sunday, January 16, 2022

Kenedy goes through the Temple

Abby Larson was getting married and asked me if I would do her hair for her big day. I was pretty nervous about doing her hair for such a big occasion but she wanted it really simple and I felt I could handle it. She just wanted it curled and down with a jewel piece attached in the back. I was able to do it and she said she loved it and she looked beautiful. I didn't take any pictures at my house but I had her mom send me some that she had of her in her wedding dress. Abby is beautiful inside and out and I am so happy for her.
About half a year ago Kenedy mentioned that she has been thinking about going through the Temple to receive her endowment. We talked a little bit about it and I showed my support for whatever she chose to do. In October we were all watching General Conference and during President Nelson's talk entitled " The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation" he said this..
"If I could speak to each man or woman who longs for marriage but has not yet found his or her eternal companion, I would urge you not to wait until marriage to be endowed in the house of the Lord. Begin now to learn and experience what it means to be armed with priesthood power."
Almost immediately Kenedy sent a text saying she felt President Nelson was talking to her. A short time later, maybe about a month later, she let us know that she called the Temple and scheduled a time to go through, January 15.
Because of Covid restrictions she was only allowed to invite 16 people and she sent word out to my family to see who might be able to come and once she knew about how many she then started inviting some of Kefford's family. She also wanted to have some of her good friends to attend and invited some of them.

Joshua and Mallory and their kids and Emily were the only ones able to come from my family. Obviously for most of them the distance was to great which was expected. Andrew had wanted to come and had planned on coming but he got sick with Covid last minute and couldn't make it and Matt was stick not feeling great from his run in with covid so he did not come with Emily. Because her husband and kids didn't come Emily was able to stay until Tuesday which I loved. It was so fun to have her around a bit longer, we went on walks, we shopped and she came to my dance class with me and helped with my classes, I loved it. Tuesday morning she came to the Temple to do initiatories with me and that was really fun. I love being with family in the Temple!
Joshua and Mallory and their kids arrived about noon on Friday and Emily got to our house a couple of hours later. We were so excited to see everyone, especially Amos, Fredrick and Leona, since we were not able to see any of them in November. 
Amos and Fred reading stories with Rylee

We all thought Leona would want to have nothing to do with us, basically we were strangers to her, but she must have felt the family love because she was perfectly fine with us picking her up, playing with her and loving on her. She is a tiny little thing which made it fun for Kefford to carry her on his shoulders and put her on the mantle, what a cute decoration she is.

Screen time for Kenedy and Fred and Avynlea and Amos 

I love that I see hearts in so many places. Today I went out in the backyard with the boys so they could play on the trampoline and with the little snow we had left and I saw the melting snow made a heart, I for sure felt the love.

Saturday night was Kenedy's endowment and those that attended with her were...
Kefford and Elizabeth, Bob and Alison, Joshua and Mallory, Emily, Mikell, Kelsey and Brit, Dustin and Whitney, Taylee (Kenedy's roommate), McKoy and Logan (High School friends). 

I was Kenedy's escort which I was really excited about and we needed to be there early. Kefford came early with us and was able to do some initiatories while he waited. 

Kenedy went through and did her initiators and when she was done we met with the Tempe Matrons assisant. She was super sweet and talked to Kenedy about the Temple and about the Temple Endowment. She encouraged her to ask questions and even had her open her packet to try her ceremonial clothing on and get a little more familiar with the contents.
Once we were done we went into the endowment room to wait for everyone to arrive. It was a really good session, I can't describe how special it was to be in there with Kenedy, to be sitting next to my daughter in this sacred place feeling gratitude to be her Mother. She is beautiful and special and I love her with all my heart.
One not so great moment happened during the session. I had a bit of a cough that typically has been showing up at night right as I am trying to go to sleep. I had cough drops with me just in case and was actually sucking on one when I felt a cough. I coughed hoping that would be it but of course it wasn't. I started having a coughing fit and could not for the life of me stop. I was praying to Heavenly Father and sucking the life out of that darn cough drop feeling mortified. I was trying to suppress it but that was making me shake and tears were leaking out and snot was dripping, luckily I was wearing a mask so nobody could see that. Finally after what felt like forever but was maybe only a couple of minutes I was able to get myself under control. Not my finest moment and I was super embarrassed by the entire situation but it happened now lets move on. I guess it could have been worse.
After we were done we came out and got some pictures with those that didn't leave immediately basically my family and Taylee, lol.

Kenedy and Taylee

Kefford, Elizabeth, Kenedy, Emily, Mallory and Joshua                    Elizabeth Kenedy, Emily and Mallory

Sunday Kefford was playing with some molding clay stuff we have and made a face with it, pretty talented guy!