Friday, August 20, 2021

Student Council and Craft Boutiques

August 19 was the ribbon cutting for the new Owyhee High School. Rylee joined Student Council with her friends Ella and Tayci and because if it they had to be at the ribbon cutting early to help. I am really excited that Rylee joined Student Council, I think she is going to really enjoy the creativity she gets to use and will get to help make traditions for this new High School that will last long after she is gone. What a fun opportunity!
On August 20th I went with my friend Cristal to the Holiday House Boutique and while there they told us if we took a selfie at their selfie station and posted it tagging them that we would be entered to win $100. I took a selfie and then talked Cristal into taking one with me but I never posted it because I didn't like how I looked and also my Instagram is private and I didn't want to mess with that.