Friday, April 23, 2021

Paint Balling and Hike to Table Rock

 On April 17th Avynlea went paint balling with her friends to celebrate Natalies Sweet 16. Avynlea had a lot of fun and really enjoyed paint balling for her first time. They only had protection for their faces so she got some pretty good bruises on her body but she would totally do it again.

Dreya, Hailey, Paige, Avynlea and Natalie

On April 21 the youth in our Ward hiked to Table Rock for their Combined Mutual activity. Rylee got some pictures of her and her friends and sent them to me. They did the hike to start getting themselves prepared for Trek which Rylee and Avynela are very excited about. They said the hike to Table Rock wasn't too bad and they had fun being able to do it with their friends.
Rylee, Tayci, Ella and Claire
Rylee, Tayci and Ella

On April 23rd MHS Cheer did a cheer throwback thing on Instagram and Dreya posted a picture on her Instagram from when the girls were in Middle School Cheer and MHS cheer reposted it onto their page. I thought it was so cute seeing these girls from two years ago and took a screenshot.
Dreya, Natalie and Avynlea and in the upper corner Avynlea, Hailey and Dreya