Saturday, November 7, 2020

Quarantine Week 34 (Dio de los Muertos, Christmas Tree and Ryker at Work)

On Sunday I was so excited to celebrate Dio de los Muertos or in other words Day of the Dead. It's a holiday my Mom started celebrated a couple of years ago and this year I wanted to jump on the bandwagon! I got pictures of my Dad, my Grandparents and Keffords Grandparents who have passed on and then collected their favorite food. Rylee helped make colorful decorations and after the Halloween festivities I cleared off our entry table and set up our ofrenda. As I was setting up the pictures I was thinking about the Men and Women in them, how much I loved them and how grateful I was for their Christlike examples in my life. I love this holiday and being able to reflect and remember our ancestors. 
During dinner we FaceTimed with Kenedy and we all shared stories and what we remembered about my Dad and our Grandparents. It was a special time and I am glad we were able to include Kenedy. After we got everything cleaned up we each got a plate of treats and then watched "Coco" as a family. I have never seen the movie before but knew it was about this holiday so I wanted us to watch it together. It was so good and I fell in love with the movie, the music and the meaning. It was all about remembering our ancestors and not letting their stories and memories die. We need to talk about them often and keep them in our hearts.

Grandma Marge: Chocolate covered almonds, Grandpa Farrell: Pineapple Upside down cake,
Grandpa Max: Fig Newtons

Jerry: pinwheel cookies

Grandpa Don: Pumpkin Bread, Grandma Charlene: Chocolate cake,
Grandma Winnefred: Popcorn Balls

I stopped my Michaels on Monday to see if they had any Dio de los Muertos decorations on sale, I was looking for a wreath for next year. I didn't find the wreath but I did find that they had Christmas Trees on sale 50% off. Rylee is our Christmas lover and I thought she would love having a tree in her room. I found her a small one and brought it home and as soon as she saw it she had it out of the box and set up, she loves having a tree in her room and it looks really cute in there.
Ryker has been working at Panda Express for a couple of months and he made a comment to Kefford asking why we haven't come to see him at work. After dance on Friday we decided to order some food online from Panda and then went to go pick it up and see Ryker in action. He was busy cooking food and didn't see us at first but we got his attention and I was able to get a few pictures of him at work.