Saturday, September 26, 2020

Quarantine Week 28: Stuffie making, Fall Porch, Science experiments, Kenedy goes hiking)


Rylee wanted to make something for her new Cousin Leona and found a pattern for a cute Lamb Stuffie. I talked her into using the fox material for the Lamb's shirt because i thought it would be really funny and I knew Joshua and Mallory would appreciate the irony. Her little Lamb turned out so cute and she is pretty excited to give it to them when they come in November.

Kyle and Nicole Lyons invited us to come over Sunday night for treats and games. Nicole is pregnant with their first baby, a little girl, and I thought it would be fun to make a stuffy for them. Since Avynlea is in Kyle's seminary class I asked her if she wanted to make it. She did and picked the bunny but she wanted to make it a Ballerina Bunny. With some tweaks to the pattern and creative sewing she made the cutest little Ballerina Bunny and Kyle and Nicole loved it! 
I wanted to give my front porch a new look for Fall and winter so I bought a rug off amazon which gave it a nice different feel. I put out my fall wreath and all our pumpkins and the porch looks awesome. I have been getting lots of compliments on it which is also fun and rewarding

Avynlea needed to do a science experiment and Heather gave her an idea which involved soaking eggs in vinegar to breakdown the peel making it easier to take the outside peel off and leave the membrane. Leaving the membrane intact would make it easy to do her experiment and see the results. Unfortunately she could not master the art of getting the peel off and the eggs kept tearing so she called Heather and got a different experiment which was lots easier. She had me sit in a specific spot and she would spray a perfume and time how long it would take to get to me. She did three different sprays and we had to use two fans and open all the windows to clear out the smell between each one. This was a more successful experiment for her.

Kenedy went hiking with her friends on Saturday and sent me some fun pictures from their adventures. She said she really didn't want to go but didn't want to miss out either so she ended up going and had a lot of fun and was glad she went.