Saturday, October 3, 2020

Quarantine Week 29 (Farm Kitties, Cheer Stunts, Seminary, Pink Out Game and Barnyard Signs)

Today we had church at the church building with 1/5th of the members of our Ward and it was nice. As much as I love at home church there is a special Spirit felt at the building when we are able to have church with other members of our ward and I really like it and miss it. 
After church we heard out to Nyssa to spend time with some of Kefford's family. After dropping off the pumpkin cake I made at Bob and Alison's we headed over to visit Grandma June and Ellis. It was a nice visit and I am glad we went, we don't get a chance to get over there and visit them often enough. When we got back to his family's house we ate dinner with Bob and Alison and Trevor and Michell and their boys. There are some cute little kittens running around the farm and Avynlea fell in love with "jelly bean" the runt of the litter. She and Ryker wanted some pictures of them comparing the size of two of the cats. and that is what they are doing in the pictures on the right. In the left pictures Avynlea is holding two of the little kittens and Ryker was holding the cat weird to see how long it would hang. 
Avynlea has been going to Partner Stunt class very day before or after practice. One of the boys from the previous year has been coming to help work with Landon on doing partner stunts. Kara wants Avynlea and Luke to Partner stunt with Landon and Landon has been able to get Luke up and now it is Avynlea's turn. After Avynlea and Landon practiced jumping while he is lifting and getting high enough Amanda said it was time to try to catch. They missed a couple of times, one of the times ended with Avynlea getting a really bad scrape across her stomach from the velcro on Landon's wrist guards. After the first couple of misses Landon and Avynlea connected and they did it! Kara sent the picture she took of them to Avynlea and Avynlea forwarded it to me. 
Kenedy has been doing some cheer stunting with some of her college guy friends. She says they have been having a lot of fun doing it and want to continue practicing to see if they can do harder things. I don't think they are using a spot so I just hope they are being careful.
I was asked a week ago if I would sit in on early morning seminary Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Because of the church's 2 deep policy every week a different Ward sends a sister to sit in on early morning seminary so the teacher has another adult in there. I was taking the first part of the week with another girl in our ward taking the last two days. 
On Monday Kyle Lyons (Avynlea's seminary teacher) stopped by with some treats for Avy, as soon as I saw him I realized I completely forgot go to seminary that morning! I felt so bad and sent a text to the teacher apologizing for not being there and assuring her I would be there the next two days.  I was able to remember and I was there right on time for the next two days of early morning seminary seat filling. It was nice to be back in a seminary class for two days but I am so glad those early class days are behind me, it was pretty rough getting up and being ready. 

Friday night was our Pink Out game against Eagle High School. This is where our winning streak ended and we lost 42-21. Even though it was a loss we maintained a respectable score and managed to keep Eagle on their toes. They are a really good team this year and would have been near impossible to beat.

Avynlea, Paige, Natalie and Dreya

Hope, Avynlea, Paige, Natalie, CC and Dreya

Cheer Mom Besties
Elizabeth, Amy and Diana

I painted a couple of signs for the Barnyard, one for my picture area and the other for the corn pit. The one that had been their previously broke and a new one was needed. I thought the signs turned out pretty good and think my picture area just needs some more pumpkins and then it will be really for pictures!