Sunday, October 20, 2019

October Randoms

Avynlea had a choir concert on October 17th which I was not looking forward to. It has been my experience that the High School choir concerts are too long and not very good. I was very pleasantly surprised when this one ended after only an hour! And it was pretty good, the music I didn't really recognize but all of the choirs sounded good and it wasn't painful to listen to. I was super happy with it and hope that all of the choir concerts in our future are just like this one. Avynlea looked really cute and my only complaint was that it was hard to see her on the stage. The singers were not arranged in any order and Aynlea ended up being lost behind singers taller then her. 
After tumbling on Oct 19thAvynlea asked if I could give Hailey and Andreya a ride home. I was fine with that but needed to stop at Wal-Mart for some items first. While in the Wal-Mart the girls found these kitty heads and wanted a picture. They quickly posed in their normal pose and I took a picture. Cute little kitties!
Avynlea, Hailey and Dreya
I have been thinking lately that it would be fun to cut my hair but have not been able to get the nerve to do it. I really like my hair long and although I haven't been doing as many braids and hairstyles I still liked doing stuff with my hair. I went to my friend Angela to get myhighlights touched up and while there I had her cut about 4 inches off my hair, that was the most I could do. It was a lot for a girl who hasn't had her hair cut in many years and while she was doing it I was telling myself it was ok, it's just hair and it will grow back. Luckily she is my friend and didn't think me too weird for my verbal reassurances to myself. I like the length and how healthy my hair looks and while I considered going shorter I am glad I didn't. This is a good length for now.
Just a girl taking a picture in portrait mode.
I didn't want to spend a ton of money ordering Volleyball pictures of Rylee from the school so I decided to do it myself. Rylee was not thrilled with getting her picture taken and was not exactly as cooperative as I hoped she would be. I tried taking some pictures on Saturday but they didn't turn out the way I wanted and so we tried again on Sunday after church. I took a million pictures and finally got one that we both liked. Avynlea managed to get some behind the scene pictures of Rylee which accurately convey how she felt about this picture taking session.
The winning picture :)