Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas Music Programs

On Thursday right after Dance classes I had to rush to the Elementary School to watch Rylee sing her heart out in the third grade Christmas Music Program. Seats to these events fill up fast and early and by the time I got there it was very crowded, barely standing room only. Luckily I texted my friend the day before and asked if she would save me a seat. So even though I arrived 2 minutes before it started, I had a front row seat! I love good friends!
Rylee likes to randomly sing around the house, in the shower, in her room, everywhere we go. I have been hearing one particular song for a couple of weeks now and thought it was super cute. The girls sing Winter Wonderland with the boys chiming in with their own version of the song about how much they hate it. It is a fun song and I liked being able to hear and see it sung by all the third graders. When they first came in and lined up Rylee spent a lot of time trying to find me. I was waving to her and trying to catch her attention but she was not looking in the front so it took her a couple of minutes to spot me. When she did find me her worried little look melted away to a big beautiful smile. I love watching her perform and seeing how animated she gets. 

Rylee got to play one of the instruments for a song, she did a great job and looked so pleased with herself.

That night was Avynlea's Honor Choir Christmas Concert. I brought a blanket with me to Rylee's so that I could save seats for us at Avynleas. I am glad we did because we were running late since I had to pick up Kenedy from Cheer and by the time we got there all the seats were again filled. My blanket was still in the front row saving 5 chairs just for us, I like it when my cleverness pays off. :)
Avynlea was another cutie singing her heart out. Picking Avynlea up half an hour later after school two times a week because she has Honor Choir practice is a big pain and super annoying and inconvenient but I can forget all of that while I am watching her perform and how fun it is. She did a great job and both my girls looked beautiful and were so fun to watch!