Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Day was a pretty relaxed day. It had snowed the day before and so the kids played outside in the snow with friends and hung out inside playing with friends. I was able to just spend the day hanging out inside reading and getting things prepped for dinner that night. It was nice. I like not having anything to do and just being able to spend a day relaxing.  

The middle picture are Sydney Walls, Avynlea and Rylee trying to build a snowman. They got this big ball made and then went to work on a second ball, couldn't figure out how to get it on top of the first ball, gave up and smashed the first ball. Fun times!
Ryker and his friend Cody Walls were trying to build a snow fort and decided that their design was not going to work out very well, so they just threw snow.
I made a turkey dinner and then after we all cleaned up I told the kids they needed to work together to come up with a re-enactment of the Nativity. There was some arguing but in the end they put together  the best showing they could with only 4 people. Avynlea was Mary, Ryker was Joseph, Rylee was an Angel and the innkeeper and Kenedy was a donkey, a sheep and the three wisemen.

After watching a DVD about the Nativity from the church we let the kids open their new pajamas and ornaments. This year I bought them pajamas instead of making them. The Disney Store had a sale and I bought Avy and Rylee pajamas of their favorite Princesses. Kenedy was wanting silk pajamas and however much I looked I could not find cute silk pajamas in her size. She ended up with cute flannel ones. Ryker was the hardest to shop for. I had a vision in my head of what I wanted for him and could not find it in his size. I found the perfect ones on Amazon but when I got them I discovered the sizes were listed wrong and they sent me a size 8, when I looked to exchange for a bigger size they I saw that 8 was the biggest they went. I finally had to accept that what I wanted to get him was impossible to find and got him some fleece bottoms. 
The girls got ornaments of their favorite princesses and Ryker got a Stitch ornament. They all seemed to love what they got and it was a very happy Christmas Eve.