Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Thursday night after Kefford got off work we packed up and headed to McCall. Avynlea and Rylee have been on track break and since they were off from school they got to go up with Whitney on Tuesday and spend the week with Whit and her kids and Bob and Alison. Lucky girls were spoiled and loved on all week!
When the rest of us arrived we found diner waiting for us and Bob had baked a birthday cake for Ryker and I. I thought that was pretty awesome! Ryker was given his present from his grandparents which was a k'nex roller coaster set. He wasted no time getting it out and putting it together. I didn't think to get a picture of the final product but it sure looked pretty cool.

It had snowed earlier in the week and the next morning the kids had a blast sledding down the hill with their cousins. Brit and Kelsey came up the night before with their kids and Michelle and Trevor were there also. My kids love being with their cousins and like to love on the younger ones and play with them. 

Rylee and Qiana attached themselves to Trevor's legs and had fun hitching rides.
Avynlea made sure to show me the little snowman she built. It was little and cute just like her!

Kefford had fun going down his own hill and got some pretty nasty bruises when he encountered a rock in his path.

Kenedy sent me these cute pictures of Kefford having some fun with Tayvia

Avynlea really enjoyed being with her little cousins, helping Tayvia with her gloves and sliding down the hill with Sadie

The kids loved being in the Hot Tub. For me it would be fun to get in but not fun at all to get out, brrr!

Ryker was a really good help with his little cousins as well

Avynlea got to go fishing a couple of times with her Grandpa and loved it! She caught a lot of fish and was always anxious and willing to go out more. Kefford took her out Saturday morning and took two pictures for me. She is a cute little fisherman!