Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Each quarter of school one child from each classroom is picked who represents the ROAR quality trait spotlighted that quarter.
R= Respect
O= Ownership
A= Attitude
R= Responsibility
The last awards assembly each teacher picks one student in their class who possesses all four ROAR traits. I was a very proud Mama when I got the letter telling me that my Avynlea was the award winner from her class. I was surprised but not too surprised because she really does possess all four of those traits.
They have a daily work paper that they have to do each day in the morning and lately her teacher has had a guess who portion. This was what was written when the answer was Avynlea...
Guess Who? This student has the neatest hair-dos. He/She also has really amazing glasses and suspenders. What I really like about this student is how nice he/she is to everyone. He/She always has a smile on his/her face, and makes good choices in the classroom. This student has all the qualities of a ROAR student!
I love what was written about Avynlea and am so proud to be her Mom!