Friday, April 26, 2013

Easter 2013

Eater morning the kids were very anxious to find their Easter Baskets. Well the younger three were, my teenager did not like being pulled out of bed. Too bad for her ;O)
As requested by the kids the Easter Bunny hid their baskets. I think most of them needed clues to find them, the Easter Bunny hides them good in our house!

The teenager did not want her picture taken and did a good job of hiding her face. sigh.

All ready for church in their Easter finest.

I then had them do their best Easter Bunny impression.

I think Avy was the winner! :o)
After church I let the kids dye the Easter Eggs.

Our traditional Bunny cake. I really need to figure something different out for next year. All that hard work and a week later only one ear was eaten. I had to throw out most of the cake. tsk tsk Peterson kids.