Monday, March 11, 2013

Nick Vujicic

If you have not of this guy get on youtube and start watching videos. My friend told me about him one day while we were perusing the bookstore and I found a book he wrote. He is an Australian who was born without any limbs. After going through a really hard life as a kid he grew up to become an amazing motivational speaker.
I bought a couple of his books and have been a bit fascinated with this man who has been everywhere speaking to people about hope and life. When i found out he was going to be here in Meridian speaking at Meridian Middle school I was quite excited. I found out when the assembly was going to be held and I took my younger three kids with me who were off on track break and Breana. When we got there we sat in the back so that the middle school kids could fill up the closer seats. After a little bit the principal came by and told us we could move to the reserved seats in the front. So yes we had front row seats, amazing!! This assembly was also being broadcast live to the entire state of Idaho. I found out later from friends who watched it on TV that me and my kids were shown a couple of times. Yay! I hope I looked OK :o)
He was amazing to listen to and so inspiring. A lot of his message was about hope and then anti bullying. Such a great thing for kids this age to hear. I am glad that I was able to have all four of my kids there to listen and get inspired by this great man!