Thursday, July 14, 2011

Last Day of School!

I got a little behind in my blog postings and then when I did blog I went with what was current and new. So in the interest of trying to catch up here is what has happened the previous months.
We had the last day of school and for Kenedy it was the last day of Elementary School! I cannot believe that my little girl is going to middle school. Where has the time gone!? I was a little disappointed that the school did not have a big fifth grade celebration but I was able to go to the assembly honoring the fifth graders. Avynlea, Rylee and I got to the school a little early, OK an hour early for the assembly and we were still stuck in the third row back! Serious early birds at this school. I am going to have to step up my early bird game for next year.
All of the fifth graders came in and took seats on the stage. Kenedy was excited to see us there and I got close to take pictures before all the other kids came in. I am such a trendsetter that as soon as I was done with my picture taking lots of other parents copied me and got up close to take pictures of their little darlings. Way to be original guys! Just kidding it didn't bother me, of course, why should it. :o)
The kids all got certificates of advancement

and a small group of kids got special certificates from the President, either for achievement or excellence. Kenedy was one of them! Her award was for Achievement in getting top scores on her ISATS all year. I think it was that she got advanced on all the Idaho standardized tests. I was a little surprised that she didn't also get an award for straight A's all year. But I am very proud of her for her accomplishments, all of them. She has always been an excellent student and I really hope this tradition of doing her best continues with her. 

While I waited for the Kindergarten celebration I got a picture with Ryker and his teacher Mrs. Pitchford, whom I loved as Rykers teacher. She was the perfect teacher for Ryker and I know he learned a lot in her class and grew as a student and person.
Time for the Kindergarten Graduation. I found it interesting that they made more of a big deal about the Kindergartners going into First grade then they did the Fifth graders going into middle school.
Anyways, the Kids had cute little graduation caps and they marched into the library to the pomp and circumstance song. It was pretty cute.

After they all sat down they sang two cute little songs about growing up and then Miss Clements spoke a few words about the class and how she tried talking them all into repeating Kindergarten so she could have them again but none of the kids were going for that.
They were called up one by one and received their certificates of advancement, Avynleas teacher really tried to get the kids to pose for the cameras while they were receiving the awards but none of them really cooperated. They were all anxious to sit down and get out of the limelight I suppose.

After the little ceremony it was back to the classroom for treats and goodbyes. I love cupcakes and when I saw cupcakes floating around in peoples hands I tried to get all of my kids to go and get me one. Finally Avynlea stepped up to the plate and went to get me one but by the time she got up there they were all gone. Seriously? My kids are too slow.

Avynlea and Miss Clements.
Miss Clement was a great teacher for Avynleas first year of school. Avynlea absolutely loved her and she helped her to have a fun and knowledge filled year!
Here is Kenedy with her teacher Mr. Ceniga. At the start of the year Kenedy kept talking about how she wanted a male teacher, so she was pretty excited when she found out she got one. Mr. Ceniga was another amazing teacher and Kenedy loved being in his class and she really learned a lot. I was really happy with all of my kids teachers, we lucked out with getting three good ones. I hope that next year is just as lucky for us.

After school was out on this last day of school we went with our friends, the Nichols, to a self serve frozen yogurt place. This shop features a big variety of self serving Frozen yogurt with lots and lots of yummy toppings. It sells its goodies by the ounce and since I neglected to give my kids a limit to what they could do it got a little spendy for me. I tried to keep my eye on what was going on and tried to make my kids hold back a little but it was fun and I was not too worried, I still was able to buy groceries for the rest of the month. :o)

Lindsey, Avynlea and Rylee

Katherine, Kenedy and Ryker

Elizabeth and Candice