Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some fun randomness

OK these two pictures are not so fun but a couple weeks ago Rylee woke up with a really high fever. She was throwing up a little, would not eat, or drink and absolutely would not let me leave her sight all day long. So after making sure the other kids could take care of themselves I sat on my bed and held Rylee all day long. I did manage to sneak away a couple times when she fell asleep so I could check on things downstairs and do some laundry. But for the most part I sat on my bed with Rylee.
This weird flu thing only lasted one day and of course by the time Kefford came home Rylee had been able to keep down her medicine so she was feeling great and was happy and alert. Seriously Kefford, she was sick and I couldn't do anything all day! Thanks Rylee couldn't you have pretended to still feel sick so I wouldn't look like a slacker Mom?
Oh the poor Baby!
While in Utah my niece and nephew entertained us by putting pots on their heads after they cooked us some yummy food!
Here I am with my slice of cake, while Ashleigh got the entire cake...minus my slice of course! :)
Funny thing, I asked Isabelle (my niece) if she would cut me some of the cake we got for Ashleigh's graduation and much to my amazement this little 5 year old jumped up and did exactly that. The piece she brought me was so huge there was no way I could have ever finished it. She served everyone else normal sizes so I guess mine was the experimental slice but it was fun to see her being a helper and a good hostess!
Cute little Rylee riding the tractor.
Kefford told her he would let her ride the tractor but she had been in only her diaper so I threw on her the first thing i found which happened to be Kenedy's sweater. She loved it!